Priory Park Community School offer full time or part time placements for young people. We also offer:
Bespoke mentoring schemes in collaboration with the pupil’s school. Issues could include, but not limited to:
- Reintegration back into school during the time of Coronavirus
- Anger management
- Attachment issues
- Building resilience
- Peer group pressures
Real practical solutions. These may include, but would be tailored to the individual:
- Engaging pupils in sporting activity, with all the benefits this entails…greater focus, sense of achievement, belonging, pride in work…….
- Giving pupils space, using our outstanding outdoor learning environment… exploration, independence, responsibility…….
- 1:1 mentoring. Gaining a deeper understanding of pupil’s issues, then able to feedback to referral school.
- Close collaboration with referral school. Supporting transition back into school, blended timetable where appropriate, our staff supporting pupil in mainstream school.
- Emotional Literacy Assessments carried out, demonstrating our worth to schools and outside inspectors.
- Creating real meaningful behaviour strategies tailored for each individual pupil. Working with referral school: What are the triggers? How can we deescalate? What are the ways in?
Walking the walk. Deliver sessions to small groups of pupils within your school setting. Once again tailoring session to what you want. Examples may include:
- Engaging pupils with education.
- Self Esteem sporting sessions.
- Supporting in lessons.
Supporting schools in Behaviour Management strategies:
- We can lead work shops on Behaviour Management to:
- Whole Staff
- Key Staff groups
- NQTs
Observe classroom teaching, offering practical non-judgemental advice