Our curriculum improves student motivation and self-confidence, attendance and engagement with education.  Students make accelerated progress from their point of entry, achieving appropriate accreditations from KS3 and KS4.  We strive to re-integrate students back into mainstream education.  Where this is not possible, we ensure they move onto an appropriate post 16 provision.

The aims of the Priory Park Community School Curriculum is:

  • To provide opportunities for all young people to learn and achieve
  • To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
  • To provide a balanced, accessible and relevant range of learning experiences
  • To know our young people – their strengths, interests and needs – and use this knowledge to make the best possible personalised offer to them
  • To develop our young people as learners, such that they are confident and able to secure and sustain positive, meaningful and relevant post 16 destinations

Our core curriculum consists of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Citizenship / PHSE (Learning4Life), Computing (iDEA) and PE.  In all of these subjects Priory Park directly mirrors the curriculum delivered in all mainstream schools. 

Our learning day is structured so that all core lessons and some options are delivered during 4 x 45 minute lessons before lunch.  Our afternoon sessions are based around accredited courses in physical education, enrichment and Intervention, delivered through the following themes and programmes

●      Creativity and Expression

●      Personalised Curriculum

●      Duke of Edinburgh Award

●      ABA Boxing Awards

In our experience this model of learning improves attendance, behaviour and engagement of learners who have previously found learning difficult.

Every term we have three Curriculum Enrichment Days, one for Religious Education, one for Modern Foreign Languages and one for Computing, all following a project-based theme.  These days consist of a carousel of activities to ensure all aspects of the curriculum are covered.

At PPCS we believe that every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future. We will follow the Gatsby benchmarks which identifies a set of eight benchmarks that we use as a framework for improving their careers provision.