Statutory guidance on the education of pupils prior to the sixth day of an exclusion:

It is important for schools to help minimise the disruption that exclusion can cause to an excluded pupil’s education. Whilst the statutory duty on governing bodies or local authorities is to provide full-time education from the sixth day of an exclusion, there is an obvious benefit in starting this provision as soon as possible. In particular, in the case of a looked after child, the school and the local authority should work together to arrange alternative provision from the first day following the exclusion. Where it is not possible, or not appropriate, to arrange alternative provision during the first five school days of an exclusion, the school should take reasonable steps to set and mark work for the pupil. Work that is provided should be accessible and achievable by the pupil outside school.

Priory Park Community School is able to provide 6th day provision for any young person requiring a fixed term exclusion for longer than five days. Alternatively, an exclusion prevention programme or our iCan programme could avoid the exclusion altogether.